Terms of Use

Company Information

Company: AVEO-TEAM d.o.o.
Headquarters: Matulji
Address: Popovićev put 2c
Phone number: +385 1 7077202
E-mail: info@twisteramusement.com
Registry: Court Register of the Commercial Court in Rijeka
Company registration number (MBS): 040277654
VAT ID (OIB): 62295173715
Authorized representatives: Aleks Brnabić, Director, and Helena Kohari, Board Member

Definitions of Terms in the Terms of Use

"Company" refers to the company AVEO-TEAM d.o.o., headquartered at Popovićev put 2c, Matulji, Republic of Croatia, registered in the Court Register of the Commercial Court in Rijeka under number (MBS) 040277654, VAT ID 62295173715;

"Website" refers to the website located at the Internet address www.twisteramusement.com;

"User" is any person using the Website to obtain information about a particular product and every visitor to the Website;

"Means of Distance Communication" refers to any means that can be used for concluding distance contracts without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, such as the internet and electronic mail;

"Electronic Communication" refers to the User visiting the Website. By electronic communication, the User agrees that all agreements, notices, communications, and other content provided to them electronically meet the legal framework as if provided in written form;

"Use" refers to accessing the Website to obtain information about its content.

General Provisions of the Terms of Use

  1. The Company holds all rights to the Website. All Users accessing the Website are encouraged by the Company to familiarize themselves with the Terms of Use. In the event of any ambiguity in the Terms of Use, the User may contact the Company.
  2. The Company advises Users to review these Terms of Use before using the Website and to regularly check them to stay informed of all rights and obligations that apply to them. In case of ambiguity, the User may contact the Company.
  3. The Company is authorized to change the content of these Terms of Use and other information related to the Website, as well as all other content, without prior notice. Users are obliged to review the Website’s content during each visit. Any failure to do so releases the Company from any responsibility. The mentioned changes take effect upon their publication on the Website.
  4. The Company is not liable for any damage that may occur to devices that provide access to the data stored on them while using the Website if the damage is caused by illegal actions of third parties, computer viruses, or similar issues for which the Company is not responsible. Additionally, the Company is not liable if circumstances arise that prevent the use of the Website.
  5. Due to the open nature of the Website and the potential for errors in storing and transmitting digital data, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy and security of the information transmitted or collected via the Website, unless explicitly stated otherwise on the Website. The Company reserves the right to make errors in descriptions and images provided by third parties.


  1. The User has the right to submit a written complaint to the Company regarding the services provided by the Company at its physical business location, either by mail to the Company’s registered office address - Popovićev put 2c, Matulji, in person at the Company’s registered office address - Popovićev put 2c, Matulji, or via email at info@twisteramusement.com.
  2. Upon receipt of the complaint, the intermediary will immediately acknowledge its receipt and will respond in writing within 15 days of receiving the complaint.

Out-of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution

  1. In the event of a dispute, the Company and the User will attempt to resolve the dispute amicably. If this is not possible, the competent court in the Republic of Croatia, applying Croatian law, shall have jurisdiction.
  2. Dispute resolution is also possible before other mediation centers.
  3. The European Commission Regulation No. 524/2013 on online consumer dispute resolution, which has been in force since January 9, 2016, has introduced the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform.

The electronic link to the ODR platform is: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

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